TimeX│FAQ│What's your price term?
Our standard price term for orders is typically Free On Board (FOB) Qingdao, but other price terms are negotiable based on the needs of both parties.
If you require a quotation for your order, please provide us with detailed information about your specific requirements, including the types of products you are interested in, the quantities needed, and any special requests or preferences. We will carefully review your request and provide you with a detailed quotation, including pricing, applicable terms, and conditions. We are committed to providing you with timely and accurate quotations to help you make informed decisions about your order.

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TimeX specializes in wholesale and custom restaurant furniture for brands
Explore a range of metal column furniture concepts and take advantage of TimeX’s rapid customization capabilities to bring your ideas to life. Whether improving an existing design or creating something completely new, our personalized service ensures your furniture vision becomes a reality efficiently.
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